Welcome to The World of Yael Sonia

Yael Sonia(ヤエル・ソニア) はニューヨークを拠点とするデザイナーズハイジュエリーを代表するデザイナーのひとり。父親はアートギャラリーを営み、母は宝石学を教える宝石の専門家、という環境に育ったYael Soniaは、本物を見抜く力と美しいものが持つバランス、存在感にとても敏感です。極めてシンプルで基礎的な形を愛し、ミニマリストでありながら、花やフルーツに見られる様な美しい石のカラーを自在に組み合わせ、まるで彫刻の様に存在感のあるジュエリーを生み出します。

Yael Sonia is one of the leading designers of high jewelry based in New York. Growing up in an environment where her father ran an art gallery and her mother was a gemologist who taught gemology, Yael Sonia developed a keen eye for authenticity and an acute sensitivity to the balance and presence of beautiful things. She has a deep love for extremely simple and basic shapes, and as a minimalist, she combines the beautiful colors of stones reminiscent of flowers and fruits to create jewelry that has a sculptural presence.


Since each piece is handmade by skilled craftsmen with carefully selected advanced techniques, production begins after an order is placed, and it takes approximately two months to deliver.


Perpetual Motion Dulo Solo 6mm Ring / RN-382A
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Perpetual Motion Dulo Solo 6mm Ring / RN-250
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Perpetual Motion Dulo Solo 6mm Ring / RN-249
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Perpetual Motion Dulo Solo 6mm Ring / RN-251
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Rock Large Twist Ring / RP-134
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