Our Services

The Goal

What we offer

Service 1 Wardrobe Analysis | ワードローブ分析



The goal is to have an efficient wardrobe with no waste.

By reevaluating your current wardrobe, you can identify what is essential and what is unnecessary. This is the first step towards efficiently moving closer to your desired ideal image.

Visualizing and analyzing your wardrobe allows you to see your current self and goals.


  1. アンケートにお答えいただき分析範囲を決定 

  2. アイテムのリストアップ(ご訪問、もしくは写真の送付)

  3. パーソナルワードローブマップ(*)&分析を送付 


  4. お持ちのワードローブの傾向、理想のファッションスタイルを実現するためのショッピングアドバイスをお送りします。



Service 2 Fashion Image Direction | ファッションイメージディレクション




Do you have a vision of your ideal self and a sense of your own identity?

This can change with the times and your social position. While it’s part of the joy of fashion, how can you express your uniqueness consistently? Alternatively, as your feelings change, deliberately shifting your fashion focus can also be a way to enjoy fashion.

Together, we’ll discover the core of your individuality. That’s what Personal Image Direction is all about.


  1. アンケートにお答えいただき概要を把握

  2. 対面インタビューをさせていただきます

  3. お客様の中にある理想像を具体的化。理想像に向かうための必要なアイテムやショッピングアドバイスをご提案させていただきます。



Service 3 Monthly Style Lesson | マンスリー スタイルレッスン


The beauty of people is diverse. We will assist in guiding you towards an updated 'fashion style' that enhances the individual's goodness. Completing a style means finding the perfect moment when various elements fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Silhouette, color, use of accessories, coordination of materials, balance of hair and makeup, and more - by objectively analyzing these aspects, style can be upgraded in an instant.


  1. アンケートにお答えいただき概要を把握

  2. マンスリーに4−5スタイルのスタイル提案。実際に着用しご自身のお写真を送っていただきます

  3. 写真をもとに、分析とスタイルをアップグレードするリスタイルサジェスチョンシートを送付させていただきます。



費用 60,000円(税別) / 月

Service 4 Personal Fashion Curation | パーソナルファッション買付け




Towards your target wardrobe, we offer Personal Buying.

When you can’t find what you want no matter how much you search, when you don’t want to waste time, when you want want to avoid regrets from misguided purchases - solving these concerns is the foundation of our planned buying.

Lead by over 20 years of buying experience, our procurement experts will support your shopping needs.







  • ジャケット 20-35万前後

  • ボトム 9-18万前後

  • ニット 9-18万前後

  • コート 25万〜

  • ジュエリー 15万〜

Service 5 Make Up Lesson | パーソナルメイクアップレッスン



As you delve into fashion styling, compatibility with makeup and hair becomes an essential element.

Both fashion and makeup evolve to reflect the spirit of the times. At NORH, we invite professional makeup artists to provide personalized makeup lessons to align with your individual style.



  1. プロのスタイリストによるパーソナルレッスン(約2時間)

  2. カルテによるフォローアップ


費用 50,000円(税別)

Service 6 Trunk Shows | トランクショーへのご招待



The accent of accessories plays a key role in styling. Items such as bags, shoes, and jewelry are the final key pieces that add personality to your fashion and complete your style.

Especially with jewelry, as it’s worn close to your skin, it should resonate with your heart. At NORH, we regularly host trunk shows where you can place a personalized order for jewelry.

Service 7 Social Image Direction | SNSイメージディレクション


Facebook, Instagramなどに投稿する写真は、その人の名刺がわりになります。また、それ以上にご自身を客観的に見ることができるもうひとつの世界です。




Is your SNS account reflecting your image as intended?

The photos you post on platforms like Facebook and Instagram serve as your virtual business card. They also represent another world where you can objectively view yourself.

This service, initiated from customer requests, assists in creating an account layout, producing content, and maintaining regular posts that align with your image.

Professional photographers capture your everyday life, and arrangements can be made for photographers in foreign locations such as during your travels (subject to feasibility depending on the country).

Costs vary based on the services provided, so please feel free to inquire for further details.

Service 8 Style by Occasion | オケージョンに合わせたスタイリングサービス


This service was created in response to various requests from people who are too busy to handle their own fashion styling, who find themselves always resorting to the same style, or who want reliable style suggestions for important occasions. We offer personalized, creative coordination proposals that make going out more enjoyable. Since we need to understand your wardrobe and other details, the content and method of our suggestions may vary. Please feel free to consult with us.

“Fashion is about the emotions, the joy, and the dreams that you can experience through it.”

— by Christian Dior


ー by Christian Dior